30 Days of Heart: Week 1

Lacey Hagler
Posted by Lacey Hagler
Updated on
Published in Sports

In the United States, heart disease is the #1 cause of death, while stroke is the #4 cause. This includes both men and women, young and old, no matter your ethnicity. These are scary numbers, but I have great news! Not only is death from heart disease 80% preventable, but there’s a big way you can help encourage others in Palm Beach County to live a healthier life and support medical research and education at the same time- join the Heart Walk!

On November 17th, 2018, The American Heart Association Heart Walk will take place at Meyer Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, and your friends at Waterfront Properties & Club Communities would like to invite you to join in on the fun for a cause!

Leading up to the Palm Beach County Heart Walk, participate in the #30daysofheart challenge! Each week leading up until November 17th, we'll be bringing you a weekly plan of healthy lifestyle changes on behalf of the American Heart Association. Hopefully this will inspire you to live a longer, healthier life!

Today, make a promise to yourself to take care of your body by printing and signing the contract below!

Here's the first week's plan for #30daysofheart!

Day 1 - Commit to a healthier you! Lay a foundation for the month by going over the pre-challenge checklist below!

Day 2- Hydrate! What zero-calorie liquid fuels every cell in our bodies? H2O! When hydrated, your heart doesn't have to work so hard. If you crave a snack or a soda, try drinking water first. It might just curb your appetite.

Day 3- Break up with salt. Sodium pulls water into your blood vessels slowing blood flow, so give your heart a rest! Look for foods with low or no sodium. Experiment with spices, herbs, and citrus to enhance the natural flavor of your food.

Day 4- Get your Z's. You deserve to feel refreshed! Avoid caffeine after 4 pm. Ditch alcholo and snacks in the evening. Take a walk to burn energy. Turn off bright screens. Drink some sleepy-time tea. Use a white noise machine. Do whatever it takes to ease into sleep early enough to get a full night of rest.

Day 5- Have one serving of fresh fruits or veggies. Let's start with one- just one. But there's a catch- it must be FRESH. It can't be breaded, buttered, battered, fried, or canned. Fruits and vegetables are often high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and low in calories and sodium. Treat your body well, and eat the rainbow!

Day 6- Stand up every hour. Sitting is a big factor contributing to obesity and heart disease. Set an hourly reminder, and stretch those legs. The first step towards moving more is standing up.

Day 7- Rest, reflect, and share with someone you love. Share this article, and go to our team page to donate for the cause!


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