Look Up to the Sky Sunday Night To Witness A Rare 'Triple Conjunction'

Ali Kane
Posted by Ali Kane
| Internet Marketing Team
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Published in Arts & Culture

This Sunday evening right after sunset, go outside and look up to see a rare ‘Triple Conjunction’ of three planets forming what will look like a triangle in the sky.

Sunday, January 10th moon will be a waning crescent Moon and it will pass by the brightest star, Arcturus, in the constellation of Scorpius. This will occur about an hour before sunrise this Sunday morning. Simply look southeast to see it.

Later in the day, about 45 minutes before sunset, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury will be in a rare Triple Conjunction.  You will likely need binoculars to see it but its possible to see it without. The three planets will be 1.6 degrees apart and will appear to form a triangle in the sky.

This rare event happens when three planets align in the sky, forming a celestial line. NASA states that starting tonight through Monday evening, Mercury will appear to pass by Saturn and then Jupiter as it shifts away from the horizon. The event will be visible during sunset in the west, southwest direction right above the horizon.

The window of timeframe to see the rare Triple Conjunction is about 30 minutes. Stargazers will need to position themselves with an unobstructed view of the horizon shortly before sunset on Sunday evening.

After this weekend, the next Triple Conjunction will be just before Valentine’s Day on February 13th. According to Space experts, the last time this event happened was in 2015.


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