New Law Effective October 1, 2021 - Palm Beach County

Lorea Thomson
Posted by Lorea Thomson
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Published in Communities

There is a new law effective October 1, 2021 in Palm Beach County.  The new law will raise the state’s legal age to vape and smoke tobacco from 18 to 21, a threshold that already exists in federal law. Supporters say the measure is necessary to stop youth vaping.  The law will also make it illegal to smoke or vape within 1,000 feet of a school.

State Representative, Matt Whillhite stated, “We are sending a message to the Florida legislature or our government that we want to make sure that people are doing the best thing possible following obviously the federal law, but reinforcing it in the state of Florida and we want people will be healthy and we want to be protected and we want them to understand the consequences of smoking or vaping."

“The bigger thing that this does to is it gives some setbacks for schools, in school zones and district campuses for this vaping, I think you have to be 1000 feet away and stuff and so that in itself should tell you that we want to look out for the safety protection of our kids," Whillhite said.

The bill has drawn opposition from some prominent health groups, in part because it does away with local restrictions on the retailing of tobacco and vaping products.



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