No Palm Beach County Coronavirus Deaths in 3 Days

Gerald Lombardo
Posted by Gerald Lombardo
Updated on
Published in Local News

Good news yesterday as, for the third day in a row, no new coronavirus deaths were reported in Palm Beach County as the toll rose by 7 to 2,259 in the state after a holiday weekend, the Florida Department of Health announced Tuesday morning.

The county's deaths have remained at 315 since Saturday when 4 fatalities were reported.

The state reported an additional 4 deaths Sunday and 15 on Monday after 43 on Saturday. One week ago, the rise was 55 in the state and 9 in the county.

No deaths were reported in the Treasure Coast area. On Monday, St. Lucie increased by 1 to 29 -- a 69-year-old woman -- as Martin and Indian River each stayed at 9 and Okeechobee none.

All this means that Palm Beach County is headed in the right direction and that, while we all need to continue being responsible, it is possible that things will return to normal sooner rather than later as more and more businesses open and a greater number of people feel comfortable going outside their homes and interacting with one another.


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