Palm Beach County say Bye Bye Dirty - Declutter in 30

Lorea Thomson
Posted by Lorea Thomson
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Published in Communities


Palm Beach County say bye-bye dirty  by setting aside 30 minutes a day to declutter your home. Clutter takes up useful space. Spend just 30 minutes controlling the mess, and you just might discover newly organized space you never knew you had.

Use these four basic steps to get you started and get organized quickly. Keep in mind this is a 30-minute project not to be completed in one fell swoop. Thirty minutes a day when you can and before you know it…the entire home will be done!

  1.  Gather your decluttering supplies. Keep it simple:  a dust cloth, a timer set for 30 minutes, garbage bag, and 2 medium sized boxes (labeled “donate”  and “put away”).
  2.  Pick an area to address kitchen junk drawer, dining room, kitchen island, kids’ playroom or anyplace that seems to collect “stuff”.  Call it your “clutter  hotspot”. Set the timer for 30 minutes and start throwing away unwanted items. Assess every item based on its current condition not “its potential”.   Dispose of old magazines, dried out markers, broken crayons and games or toys missing pieces.
  3.  Stay in the same “clutter hotspot” anything that doesn’t belong in the area to the put-away box and anything you don’t need into the donate box. 
  4.  If you can’t decide whether to donate an item, ask yourself : why keep this? Is it damaged? Is it sentimental? 





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