Found 6 blog entries tagged as Earth Day.

The Earth Day 2022 theme is “invest in our planet”. What will you do in Southeast Florida? EARTHDAY.ORG, together with partners, is proud to present the Earth Day Climate Action Summit. We need to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century to keep the global temperature below 1,5°C. And while there is still time to solve the climate crisis, time to choose BOTH a prosperous and sustainable future and time to restore nature and build a healthy planet for our children and their children, time is short.

If you are unable to attend the event, do your part to honor Earth Day by:

- Buy a recyclable water bottle. The United States alone consumes fifty billion plastic water bottles annually.

- Start composting. Earth is the ultimate…

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Friday, April 22 is Earth Day. This year's theme is "Invest in Our Planet." The City of Boca Raton is investing in the planet by establishing sustainability and resiliency throughout the City's operations. The Boca Raton City Council signed the Boca on to the Cities Race to Zero.

On March 21, 2022, Boca Raton City Council decided to commit the City of Boca Raton to the Cities Race to Zero Pledge.  It is a pledge signed by more than 1,000 cities worldwide to commit to limiting global warming to 1.5°C by reaching global net-zero carbon emissions before 2050. This commitment to the Sustainability Action Plan will continue the City's work to invest not only in the planet but in the future and wellbeing of Boca Raton.

On March 21, 2022, Boca Raton…

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Celebrate this Earth Day with a Nature Walk hosted by The River Center in Jupiter. Gather your hiking gear and head to the Pine Glades Natural Area this Thursday, April 22nd for a Nature Walk on Earth Day.

The hike will include walks along the guided paths of the natural area. The hike will include journeys on both unpaved and paved terrain. Those interested in participating in the hike are encouraged to wear closed toed shoes, long pants, comfortable clothing, and bring plenty of water. Bug spray and a flashlight are recommended.

Nature Walk Details:

When: Thursday, April 22nd

Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Location: Pine Glades Natural Area located at 14122 W Indiantown Road, Jupiter

Attendees are asked to RSVP to attend due to limited…

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Cities in South Florida, and elsewhere, are growing at a rapid pace. Making cities green is a necessary step in preparing for a healthier, more sustainable future. The Earth Day Network is using today, April 22, 2020, Earth Day as a platform to educate residents of Planet Earth.

These endeavors focus on advancing science and advocating action and volunteerism on behalf of the global environment. Environmental education is key to continued growth and success. Some of the “green” initiatives to be considered are listed below. 

  • Banning or taxing any or all the ten most common single-use plastics.
  • Creating a Zero Waste or Circular Economy plan.
  • Developing a biodiversity protection strategy and establishing green corridors for wildlife in…

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Today, April 22nd marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.  While many people will not be exploring our great outdoors to celebrate, there are some ways you can help celebrate Earth Day and help make the planet a better place. 

Here is a list on ways to celebrate Earth Day.

1. Plant a tree or donate to a local environmental group or nature preserve.

2. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products, non-toxic cleaning products to help you with your spring cleaning. 

3. Replace your light bulbs with energy efficient ones. By replacing your light bulbs with more efficient ones can help reduce your carbon footprint by 450 pounds a year. 

4.  Stay home. Not only is it important to stay home now more than ever to reduce the spread of COVID-19,…

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Turn off the lights, carpool or use public transportation, organizing climate change awareness in the Palm Beach County community is essential for world wellness. It is essential that the influences between individual wellbeing, economic sustainability, and the health of our planet remain in harmony. A reduced environmental footprint is the key to this success. Each and every one of us on the planet has an obligation to pay it forward to the next generations.  

On September 23, 2019, the United Nations is convening a “Climate Action Summit" with concrete and realistic plans to accelerate action to implement the Paris Agreement. As part of that effort the United Nations calls upon all to take action to tackle climate change. Every human is part of…

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