Found 2 blog entries tagged as Inshore Fishing.

On a typical day, fishing in Jupiter, Florida is the stuff of daydreams. Jupiter is the closest point to the Gulf Stream in the United States, making it not only an exciting and incredible place to fish—but also one of the more stunningly beautiful days out on the water you could ask for. Whether you’re looking for a good day trip, an extended season, or to dive head-first into the lifestyle, let’s take a look at what makes Jupiter such a great place to cast a line.

a boat heading out of Jupiter Inlet at sunrise for a day of fishing

In the winter, when most of the country is huddled up inside, people always flock to Florida. But many people come from far and wide specifically for the fishing in Jupiter. From our rich offshore waters to our captivating inshore habitats, this paradise is teeming with dozens of prized…

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Stuck in your waterfront home in South Florida during quarantine? Whether you usually fish offshore, or you’ve never fished before, snook fishing from the dock is the perfect antidote for a bored family! If you’re stuck at the dock, here is a step by step guide to fishing for snook before season ends on May 31st!


Step 1: Buy a fishing license WITH a snook permit.

Snook is a highly regulated species due to its delicious white flesh and previous overfishing. It used to be on every menu in South Florida, and they don’t multiply as fast as pelagic species like mahi-mahi. If you get caught fishing without a permit, you’re in big trouble! You can purchase your permit from FWC here: The best deal is the “Saltwater…

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