Clematis Streetscape Project

Lacey Hagler
Posted by Lacey Hagler
Updated on
Published in Events & Entertainment

Following Moonfest, Clematis will be completing final touches before a ribbon-cutting ceremony after the first phase of the Clematis Streetscape Project.

The Clematis Streetscape Project is an initiative to transform the popular downtown West Palm Beach area into a pedestrian-friendly city.

On Thursday, November 1st, the city will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 5 pm on the corner of Clematis Street and Dixie Highway. Following the unveiling, a family-friendly celebration will ensue featuring live music and festivities. Local businesses will be offering specials, giveaways, tastings, and other activities, then the party will move to Centennial Fountain and the Great Lawn at 6 pm for Clematis by Night.

As part of the project, the City will be rolling out more than 40 projects to maximize the cityscape for business and leisure, which will include features like a curb-less street that prioritizes the pedestrian, narrower traffic lanes to slow down vehicles, high-visibility crosswalks, more trees for shade, and wider sidewalks.

The 300 block of Clematis Street, which was closed for most of the summer, will reopen on November 2nd.

For more information on the Clematis Streetscape Project, visit


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