Coffee House Open Mic Night in Tequesta

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Jupiter locals Erik and Michelle Pariseleti were on the search for a music venue for their 10-year old twin girls, only to find that most were located in bars. Their solution was to create a monthly open mic night, family-friendly and open to all ages, at the parish hall at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Tequesta. While most open mics are geared toward solo performers or duos, the Pariseleti’s unique version can accommodate a large group of performers on stage. It is for this reason that over the past 5 years, the event has grown into one of the largest open mic nights in the area.

The money raised through donations has helped start a children’s choir at the Church of the Good Shepherd and is now being used to benefit the Church of the Good Shepherd Youth Ministry.

Throughout the years, Coffee House Open Mic Night has hosted regional artists, as well as national touring artists who wished to support the children’s music programs. This includes the Rowan Brothers from California, the Harris Brothers from North Carolina, and Sue Cunningham, a renowned fiddle player.

Expect to see bluegrass groups, flamenco guitarists, singer/songwriters, talented teens and youth, pianists, and everything in between.

The next Coffee House is this Friday starting at 7pm, with food and beverages always available.


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