Downtown West Palm Beach Introduces CityZen Garden

Dan Hauser
Posted by Dan Hauser
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Published in Arts & Culture

As the Downtown West Palm Beach landscape continues to evolve, so do the features that accompany it. That can be seen in the new CityZen Garden that opened this past week outside the Broadstone Apartments.

A collaboration between Sherryl Muriente, her husband Beju, and Finnish artist Marco Casagrande, the new area features a small outdoor amphitheater, a zen garden and several statues. The space was designed as part of the West Palm Beach Art in Public Places program. The program requires developers to either donate to a public art fund or build public art on their site. As a result, the trio worked with the Alliance Residential Company who developed the Broadstone Apartments.

The garden features bamboo, flowers and other plants, while giant, partially covered cubes surround the amphitheater area. The CityZen Garden is located at the corner of Datura Street and Dixie Highway.


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