Drive or Take the Brightline to Orlando: Which One is Cheaper? Faster?
Now that the new Brightline station in Orlando is open and trains are running multiple times per day, many people are considering giving it a try. However, the price is causing a lot of those same people to hesitate. Currently, it costs between $138 and $178 for a round-trip ticket between West Palm Beach and Orlando. So, is it cheaper to drive? Is it faster?
How Much Does it Cost to Take the Brightline From West Palm Beach to Orlando?
As of October 3rd, 2023, the cheapest Brightline ticket from West Palm Beach to Orlando is $69 and the most expensive first-class ticket from West Palm Beach to Orlando is $189. The same is true for Orlando to West Palm. For the sake of comparison, we're just going to focus on the "smart" tickets, which are typically between $69 and $89. So, the cheapest round-trip Brightline ticket from West Palm to Orlando and back is $138.
Now, via the Florida Turnpike, Orlando is about 170 miles from West Palm Beach, and you'll accrue about $12 in tolls each way. If you're driving by yourself, and your vehicle gets about 25 miles per gallon on the highway, and gas costs about $3.75 per gallon, then it'll cost you about $50 in gas for a round-trip. So that's $74, including tolls. And let's say you will pay $20 for parking for the day, depending on what your plans are in Orlando. This means that driving from West Palm to Orlando will cost you about $94 to get there, park for the day, and then drive back.
How long is the Brightline Ride Between West Palm Beach and Orlando?
The Brightline will get you from the West Palm Beach station to the Orlando station in 2 hours and 16 minutes if it's running exactly on schedule. To drive, it should take you about 2 hours and 30 minutes. However, with the Brightline, you have to factor in the time it will take you to get to and from each station, whereas with driving you are going directly from your home to your destination. But, of course, there could always be traffic. Generally, driving from West Palm Beach to Orlando should be slightly faster than taking the Brightline.
West Palm to Orlando: Is it Cheaper and Faster to Take the Brightline or Drive?
As of today (Oct 3rd, 2023) if you are alone, then driving to Orlando should be cheaper, and slightly faster, than taking the Brightline. And if you are with a group of friends or family, then driving/carpooling will be much, much cheaper. As with every equation, when variables change, so will the result. If Brightline tickets drop drastically in price, or the price of gas skyrockets, then it will be a closer comparison.
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