Brittany Bosher
Posted by Brittany Bosher
| Internet Marketing Team
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Published in Nature & Weather

Attention star gazers everywhere, you will be able to see a rare and unique display from the cosmos tonight. Jupiter and Venus have been on a “collision course” all month and this week they will be at their closest points.

Tonight and tomorrow night, Venus and Jupiter will be so close that they may appear as one, incredibly large bright spot in the sky. For the past month astrologists and sky gazer enthusiasts have been tracking the motion of the planets and they have been getting closer and closer. If you look through binoculars you will see, Venus, Jupiter, the Beehive Cluster of stars and of course our moon all within a few degrees of separation.

Another interesting and rare star you will see is Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation. This will be the closest the two planets are together until August of 2016 according to EarthSky.org.
Don’t miss out on this spectacular, starry night event. North Americans will be able to look west and see this incredible twilight show. Enthusiasts recommend not waiting until dark to enjoy the light these celestial bodies have to offer. They say twilight or dusk is the best time. So get out there while it’s still early evening and enjoy the show.

If you are local to south Florida, Jupiter or anywhere else in Palm Beach County, try viewing the star show from the beach, away from the light of the cities for the best view. For more information about Jupiter and Venus meeting tonight in the sky, please visit EarthSky.org.


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