Florida, Power & Light will be replacing feeder lines, cables that provide electricity to local barrier islands, as needed. Palm Beach, Jupiter Island and Singer Island are some of the barrier islands within the state of Florida that will have the cables replaced. Years ago, Florida, Power & Light buried the cables under the floor of the Intracoastal Waterway. These cables fee electricity from the mainland to the barrier island and all the residents. Overtime, shifting currents and sand have exposed many of the cables.
FPL plans on replacing one cable per year. Substituting cables will cost from $1 million to $3 million each. By replacing the cables, it enables them to deliver power as well as reroute power around trouble spots to strengthen the system as needed.
This month work began in West Palm Beach to replace a 45-year-old cable crossing to Palm Beach. It is anticipated to be a 10-year project. It’s the longest of feeder lines in Palm Beach County with many of the lines being half a mile in length.
Environmentalists need not worry, the new underwater cables will be 50 feet deep. This will safeguard marine life and precious sea grasses. Sea grasses are marine flowering plants that grow in large beds, known as “meadows”. These meadows are integral part of our highly diverse ecosystem hosting hundreds of various marine species from juvenile fish to microalgae. Sea grass is an extremely important link to the food chain feeding turtles, manatees, fish, crabs and others.
FPL urges customers to call 811 before they dig. For more information on the cable replacement project, please visit
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