South Florida I.Q. Presidential Trivia Break

Lorea Thomson
Posted by Lorea Thomson
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Published in Arts & Culture


South Florida take a break from work and family for trivial nonsense.  Its not important or even relevant…just interesting.  Which of America’s recent Presidents have the highest I.Q?  Have you ever taken an I.Q. Test?  The big question may very well be, “How smart is smart enough to run our great nation?”.

George W. Bush, 43rd president of the United States, received a reputation by some for being a somewhat unwise individual. Some felt he did not live up to his 138.5 I.Q. Others saw him very favorably. He can be quite the wordsmith, he lacked public speaking skills, thusly many of his statements didn’t translate. Like many of us, he may not have had outstanding grades during high school, but he did do an amazing job of engaging with peers!

Gerald Ford was the 38th president of the United States and had an I.Q. of 140.4. After Nixon stepped down due to the disgrace of Watergate, Ford was hailed as the first unelected president in American history. He did work to restore the confidence of the American people after the Watergate scandal. Aside from his admirable wisdom, Ford was one of the most celebrated athletes (football and skiing) to serve in the White House.

Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, served eight years as president. An actor with political aspirations and an I.Q. of 141.9. His famous slogan “peace through strength,” set expectations among the people that he would fulfill his pledge of restoring the “confident roar of American progress and growth.” However, the Iran Contraband Affair of the 1980s was a stain on his good name. He later admitted that he sold missiles to Iran in exchange for the freedom of American hostages.

George H.W. Bush bringing a respectable I.Q. of 143 into the office of the President. As the 41st president of our nation his management style was focused on making U.S.A. a “kinder and gentler nation.” Bush also demonstrated his power by overcoming a series of challenges, notably Saddam Hussein’s assault of Kuwait and violence in Cuba.

One of the most controversial presidents of American history was Richard Nixon. With his I.Q. of 143 it serves as proof that being smart doesn’t translate into “a job well done”.  The infamous Watergate scandal says it all.  Following an investigation on the Watergate scandal, 69 government officials were charged, and many of Nixon’s most trusted people were taken down. Nixon did what he had to do to avoid impeachment, resigning from office in 1974.

One of the top smartest U.S. presidents is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, James Earl Carter, Jr., 39th president of the nation with an I.Q. of 156.8.  He dreamt of making the nation competent and compassionate, yet somewhat unrealistic at the time. He advocated for human rights. Though his great intelligence could be a tad outlandish (remember the UFO sighting) at times and the peanut farmer with the heavy accent had an uphill battle high I.Q. or not.

Finally, 42nd president, Bill Clinton demonstrated despite having an I.Q. of 159, he wasn’t above bad decisions. He denied his secret affair with Monica Lewinsky by saying: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” However, even Clinton’s extremely high I.Q. couldn’t help him lie effectively.

Bottom line, don’t worry about an I.Q. test score, be the best YOU!






















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