Found 1 blog entry tagged as Clocks.

Hopefully, you remembered to change the clocks back an hour Southeast Floridians.  Simple question, when does daylight savings start? When does daylight savings end?  Maybe, you wonder How Many Days till Daylight Savings 2021?  When do we Fall Back in 2021?

Here is just a friendly reminder of this weekend's time change. Remember to set your clocks back one hour. Currently, most of the United States begins Daylight Savings at exactly 2:00 am on the 2nd Sunday in March. Daylight Savings then reverts to Standard Time on the 1st Sunday in November which answers the question when do we Fall Back? 

Make sure to set the clock back one hour on November 7, 2021, at 2:00 am.  It will get darker earlier in the evening, and the sun will rise bright…

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