Found 1 blog entry tagged as igfa light tackle tournament.

Congratulations to “Ma Sheila” fishing team on their tournament win of the premier IGFA Light Tackle Invitational, and to team member Jeff Wright also won top angler!

IGFA’s newest exclusive two-day tournament, known for its maximum line class of 12 pounds and strict adherence to IGFA Angling Rules, is sure to be a local favorite for years to come. Hosted at Sailfish Marina on Singer Island, Florida, the IGFA Light Tackle Invitational prides itself in being a genuine “angler’s tournament”- a platform for light tackle anglers from around the globe to showcase their skills and sportsmanship.

All proceeds from the IGFA Light Tackle Invitational will benefit the IGFA Great Marlin Race, the world’s most extensive billfish satellite tagging program,…

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