Found 6 blog entries tagged as Meditation.

Sunday mornings are an enjoyable day for a guided community walking meditation. Sunrise Walking Meditation meets at sunrise on Root Trail in Palm Beach for an hour. It is a powerful opportunity to partake in. Try a dynamic style of meditation that keeps you engaged and moving. It is great for beginners and more advanced meditators. This is facilitated by a guided Joe Dispenza meditation track that takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete.

You will be given a headset where you can hear the mediation through, and everyone will be listening to the same meditation. Parts of it are sitting, and then other parts of it are walking. We will all be walking together as a group even though each participant will have their own inner experience. You will…

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There are habits to find your focus and become a happier person. Life is complicated and stressful. Balancing a healthy family, happy social life and workplace can seem like a difficult undertaking. Putting out fires all day long at work and home can take a toll on your well-being. Try a guide to intentional practice with Lisa Luther at The Yoga Room on 1559 Cypress Drive in Tequesta.

The Yoga Room is a welcoming studio with a staff of knowledgeable and compassionate certified teachers. Practicing yoga will help you find peace within the issues and cope with things. The Yoga Room offers Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative styles of yoga. From beginner to advanced, whether you are looking to relax and unwind, or build strength and flexibility, a friendly…

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Join like-minded folks on Sunday mornings for a Sunrise Walking Meditation on Palm Beach Island’s Root Trail. The meditation is to a guided meditation track that takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete. Every participant will be given a headset where you can hear the mediation throughout the walk. Everyone will be listening to the same meditation. Parts of it are sitting, and then other parts of it are walking. All be walking together as a group and having their own internal experiences with the aid of silent disco headphones.

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity. It is to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear…

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Beyond Breath is an introduction to SKY Breath Meditation - Jupiter offered by The Art of Living Foundation. Discover the power of your breath to relieve stress, ease anxiety and calm your mind in a free LIVE and interactive session.

SKY Breath Meditation is reported to be a fundamental tool for maintaining and improving mental health by the Harvard Medical School and International Journal of Yoga. This science-backed breath-meditation technique quickly calms anxiety, releases stress, and boosts immunity.

Independent research has shown that SKY Breath Meditation:

-        Reduces cortisol, stress hormone.

-        Supports the immune system.

-        Increases optimism.

-        Relieves anxiety and depression.

-       …

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Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Life Wellness Series is dedicated to fostering inner peace and wellness by educating and inspiring individuals.  Additionally, establishing community through mindfulness practices, online resources, and programs. Barb Schmidt is renowned practitioner, here in the Boca Raton area, of mindfulness and meditation for over 30 years. The soothing sounds of the Atlantic Ocean and seagulls can only do so much.  Add some guidance and foster greater inner peace and well being with the Peaceful Mind series.

In 2011, she founded the nonprofit organization Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life. She has taught meditation workshops at Nova Southeastern University and at Florida Atlantic University as part of the Peace, Justice & Human Rights…

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Think no pain and total relaxation with sensory deprivation a.k.a float therapy at Transitions Float Therapy located at 14141 U.S. Highway One, Juno Beach.  This is a brand-new concept in relaxation and pain relief therapy through the concept of sensory deprivation.

A sensory deprivation tank, also called an isolation tank or flotation tank, is used for restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST). It is a dark, soundproof tank that is filled with a foot or less of very dense salt water. The first tank was designed in 1954 by John C. Lilly, an American physician and neuroscientist. In the 1970s, viable float tanks were created and began being studied for probable health benefits. These days, finding a sensory deprivation tank is easy, with…

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