TOMORROW! Witness 2 Turtles Be Released Back Into the Wild at Juno Beach
The beloved Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC) located in Juno Beach, Florida is more than just a place to visit turtles and see amazing, local marine life. It is a place of miracles. The loving and intelligent staff at LMC work constantly to save, rehabilitate and release sea turtles that have been found sick or injured back into their natural environment.
Tomorrow, July 12th at 10:30 in the morning, you can witness a very special event at the Loggerhead Marinelife Center for yourself as they release two healthy sea turtles back to sea. The two turtles being released are two sub-adult male loggerheads named, Krebster and Dr. Paul. Krebster was found and rescued off of Hutchinson Island where he was found extremely ill and taken back to LMC. Once in the helping hands of the LMC veterinarians and staff, Krebster was diagnosed with anemia, hypoglycemia and poor overall health from starvation. The second turtle, Dr. Paul, was accidentally hooked by a fisherman off of the Juno Beach Pier and then brought to LMC. After several months of care, fluids, medication and love from LMC both turtles have made amazing recoveries and are ready to return home to the ocean.
Help support this amazing Marine Center and celebrate the success of their staff and especially of their turtles as they set them free to return home. Wind and surf conditions may affect the time of the release, so please check LMC’s website for updates.
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