Vote for Stuart, FL as America’s Happiest Seaside Town in 2016
Voting closes January 25 for and their annual “Happiest Seaside Town in 2016”. From Hawaii to Alabama and Florida to California, they are considered based on their rank with the Gallup-Healthways Well Being Index.
The Gallup-Healthways Well Being Index methodology is “designed to be the Dow Jones of health, giving a daily measure of people's wellbeing at the close of every day. With a daily measure, determining the correlation between the places where people work and the communities in which they live, and how it impacts their wellbeing”. It takes into account healthiness of the beaches, percentage of sunny and clear days, standard of living and financial demographics of the areas.
The editors of then focus on what they call the “coastal vibe” of the nominated towns and narrow it down to ten beach towns. Prior year winners are no longer eligible. The Town of Jupiter was a com “Happiest Seaside Town”. Nominees for 2016 are Capitola, Ca; Fairhope, AL; Hermosa Beach, CA; Hilo, HI; Portland, ME; Rehoboth Beach, DE; Seaside, OR; Stuart, FL; Sturgeon Bay, WI and Sullivan’s Island, SC.
Stuart, Florida is located in Martin County, just north of Palm Beach County and located on the “Treasure Coast” of the Atlantic Ocean. It is known as the “Sailfish Capital of the World” and is known for its friendly historic downtown, its laidback luxury and amazing beachfront locale.
Cast your vote for America’s “Happiest Seaside Town 2016” today! Results will be revealed on April 5, 2016
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