If you are looking to achieve a summer glow without the downtime in Palm Beach Gardens. Gardens Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center are offering a new “No Peel Peel.” Gardens Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center is located at 11030 RCA Center Drive, Suite 3015, in Palm Beach Gardens. Their providers are experts in the treatment and preventive care of adult and pediatric skin, hair, and nails.

The “No Peel Peel” is the perfect addition to your skincare regime. The “No Peel Peel” facial will leave your skin looking healthy and radiant!

The facial is suitable for all skin types. The “No Peel Peel” removes impurities, detoxifies pores, and helps reduce inflammation post-treatment. It also has collagen production, which helps make steps…

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The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens are located at 4000 Morikami Park Road, in Delray Beach. The museum offers workshops, classes, and demonstrations during the month of June. The following demonstrations, workshops, and classes are as follows:

Wednesdays, June 1, June 8, June 15

Ikebana Flower Arrangement: Sogetsu School (Class)

Time: Beginners – 10am – 12:30pm

          Intermediate – 1:30pm – 3:30pm*

Cost: $60 (Morikami Members $52.50). Advance Registration Required.
Flower arranging, ikebana, is a traditional Japanese art form spanning centuries. Ikebana has various schools of study, each with unique philosophies and aesthetics. The Sogetsu School is a contemporary school, which focuses on the creativity and individuality…

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