4 H Club Ice Cream Social - Palm Beach County

Lorea Thomson
Posted by Lorea Thomson
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Published in Animals & Pets

Did you know that the 4 H Club stands for head, heart, hands, and health? Palm Beach County 4-H families, alumni, and friends are invited to this special ice cream event during the South Florida Fair! Come connect with fellow 4-H friends, and meet Dr. Andra Johnson, new UF/IFAS Dean for Extension.  Join Florida 4-H members and the South Florida Fair for a special 4-H Ice Cream Social and Reunion at the Fair. 

The 4-H Club is one organization of clubs for youth aged 10 to 21 who engage in programs of “learning by doing.”The 4 H club is a positive youth development program. By using a learn-by-doing approach to help kids grow into confident, productive citizens. 4 H clubs are found principally in the United States and 80 other nations have adopted the concept. The 4-H Club emblem is the four-leaf clover with the letter H on each leaf; the club colors are green and white.

The ice cream social is today, Saturday 22, 2022 at the Yesteryear Village Bink Glisson Museum at the South Florida Fair.  The South Florida Fair is located at 9067 Southern Boulevard in West Palm Beach.  4-H members and two guardians receive FREE entry with a current membership card 





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