Local Raw Honey – Stuart

Lorea Thomson
Posted by Lorea Thomson
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Published in Animals & Pets


Hani Honey Company, located at 5219 S.E. Ebbtide Avenue, Stuart, Martin County, is a family owned apiary.  An apiary is a location where beehives of honeybees are kept. “tending bees with care and placing the girls in optimal foraging environments to harvest fresh, Florida local, delicious, award winning Wildflower Honey”.  Hani Honey Company specializes in producing honey from whatever is blooming in the region every season. It is an all-natural process without heat allowing all the of the bees amazing work to remain in the natural honey.

Beekeeping, or apiculture, is the care of honeybees that ensures that they produce more honey than they can use. An apiary typically consists of many separate beehives. Hani Honey apiaries are in Martin, St. Lucie, and Palm Beach counties. They move their bees to expose them to fresh food and water. The bees are taken great care of and are not treated with any chemicals. The bees forage on wonderful native plants and stay at amazing local farms, that do not use pesticides or herbicides to maintain their gardens. They are a vital part of any living things life, if bees go extinct, so do we.

The social life of a hive is astonishing. The queen bee, who will become the mother of an entire colony, is created by being fed "royal jelly" while she is still only a larva. The tens of thousands of worker bees are underdeveloped females; only a handful of the bees are male, and they do not work at all. The workers defend the hive by kamikaze means, stinging any intruder and dying as they do so. There is extra drama in a quiet-looking beehive than the occasional onlooker might see.

The Stuart, Hani Honey Company, is family owned and operated.  The honey is freshly extracted throughout each season and bloom or nectar flow, apart from winter where the leftover spring and summer harvest remain and anxiously await the spring again. Most of the wildflower honey from our hives contains Orange Blossom, Saw Palmetto, Mangrove, Brazilian Pepper, and other native plants that are in abundance.


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