Master Gardener of Palm Beach County
South Florida residents who want tips on selecting the perfect plants for their yards can find lots of free information from landscaping experts in greater Palm Beach County. Experts will answer questions via phone and email. Lots of useful information is online for free. Florida Master Gardener Volunteer is a title granted by the University of Florida/ IFAS to individuals who complete a Master Gardener Volunteer training course and required volunteer hours.
The purpose of the Florida Master Gardener Volunteer program is to “create and retain volunteers who educate and provide research-based information to the public about planning and maintaining urban, suburban and rural landscapes with a focus on environmental stewardship.”
If you happen to have a “green thumb” and any interest in becoming a Master Gardener volunteer. You need to have an interest in gardening, a willingness to learn, and a longing to help others learn. New volunteers serve 75 hours within the first year of their certification. Volunteers renew their certification by participating in 10 learning hours and completing 35 volunteer hours each additional year. They must also adhere to volunteer policies.
Enrollment is limited and selection can be highly competitive, so call or e-mail today and learn how you can “grow” into a Florida Master Gardener!
This is unique opportunity to get free information on maintaining a lush landscape throughout the sultry summertime. Palm Beach County residents may reach out to the Master Gardener Volunteer by calling 561-233-1750 or email your questions and photos to
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