Found 143 blog entries tagged as History.


Later to become known as the Florida East Coast Railway, Henry Flagler's railroad is one of the most well-known aspects of South Florida history. Population growth eventually led to an FEC railroad depot built in 1984 on the south shore of Jupiter's Loxahatchee River. In 1915 a new FEC passenger and freight depot was opened in Jupiter where Johnston Park is today.  Passengers weren’t the only riders. Fruits and plants were shipped on the trains, as was the daily mail. Live animals were shipped to northern zoos by Trapper Nelson, who set up a homestead-turned-zoo on the shore of the Loxahatchee River in the 1940s.

A train depot is a small railway station between the principal stations or a station where the train stops.  The older depot was moved a…

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The historic "Duck's Nest" on the island of Palm Beach is the town's oldest residence, reminding us of the pioneer days of the Palm Beaches. At 125 years old, the property is ready for some revamping- and the town is expressing major excitement about it. 

Built in 1891, the Duck's Nest at 305 Maddock Way is the oldest standing house in Palm Beach. This was before the barrier island was connected to the Florida mainland by bridges, so much of the home was assembled in parts in New York and shipped here by barge- the only option for transportation. 

The home was built by the Maddock family and they resided there for 125 years. In July, the family sold the house after their proposal to demolish and replicate it was unfavored by the community.…

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We lost a legend today by the name of Burt “Smokey” Reynolds, and while most of us may have never met him in person, Jupiter residents certainly feel like this loss hits home. Sadly, Reynolds reportedly passed away of cardiac arrest at a Florida hospital on September 6, 2018 at the age of 82 after suffering from heart problems for a number of years. Throughout the decades, Reynolds has made countless contributions to our town, Palm Beach County, and the state of Florida, and his support of film, television, education, and sports had a profound impact on history.

Inspired by an English teacher at Palm Beach Junior College who pushed him to try out for a play which launched him into a famous acting career, he formed the Burt Reynolds Institute to…

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