Celebrate International Beer Day – Palm Beach County

Lorea Thomson
Posted by Lorea Thomson
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Published in Communities

Palm Beach County celebrate International Beer Day. The first Friday in August is just that day, International Beer Day. Did you know that beer is one of the oldest drinks the planet has ever recognized?  When it’s served up ice cold and foamy it can be very refreshing.

As the beginning of another weekend signals us to put aside our work, set aside differences, and come together to celebrate. Often, an ice-cold beer is a great kick off.  Beer has a reputation as the drink of choice for the everyday man or woman.  Perfect at sporting events, barbeques, beach, boating and so much more. The start of another weekend beckons us to put aside our work, set aside differences, and come together to celebrate our shared love of beer.

Americans have a voracious thirst for beer, and it gives us reason to pause. Stop whatever going on or whatever we are doing, sit down and converse with one another over a pint or two with friends. Cheers to International Beer Day!



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