Hatchling Release This August

Ali Kane
Posted by Ali Kane
| Internet Marketing Team
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Published in Animals & Pets

Every night throughout the month of August, the Loggerhead Marinelife Center hosts their Hatchling Release program.

The program is a unique experience that gives the public an insight and a chance to learn about the hatching and nesting process of sea turtles. The nightly program is an after-hours program and begins at 8 pm every night during the month.

The night begins where visitors can view the center’s current sea turtle patients in their outdoor Sea Turtle Hospital, followed by a trip down to the beach to see a Marinelife staff member release a sea turtle hatchling into the ocean.

Hatchling Releases are $22 dollars per person or $20 dollars per Loggerhead Marinelife Center Members. Walk-ins are $22 dollars and a spot is not guaranteed. The program fills up quickly and all are asked to register online prior to the event to reserve a space. Children must be 10 years old or older to attend and all must be able to walk up to a half a mile.

Click here to view their calendar and reserve your space.


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