Loggerhead Marinelife Center Expanding

Ali Kane
Posted by Ali Kane
| Internet Marketing Team
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Published in Animals & Pets

The Sea Turtle Research and Rehabilitation Center has recently broken ground on their new 27,000 square foot expansion.

The Center’s new expansion will have more opportunities to educate the public and students, more opportunities for research and more space for the sea turtles rehabilitation progress. On Wednesday, April 3rd the center broke ground in front of more than 300 people in Juno Beach. The expansion is set to take three years.

The Loggerhead Marinelife Center has raised more than $12 million dollars for the expansion through their Waves of Progress campaign. The center is continuing to raise money for the expansion and has now raised their goal to $20 million dollars.

With the expansion, the Marinelife Center is committed to providing more resources to expand its outreach programs and education. Last year, more than 350,000 people visited the Loggerhead Marinelife Center and more than 64,000 students, a record-breaking number, participated in the center’s education and activities.

The expansion will create more space for research and rehabilitation and more space for sea turtle patients. The center will now have an intensive care unit and quarantine area for critical sea turtle patients with diseases and other illnesses. By having more space, the center will be able to treat critically ill sea turtles and won’t have to send the sea turtles to other centers such as the Brevard Zoo or the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center.

The Loggerhead Marinelife Center was founded more than 30 years ago and has become a global leader in ocean conservation and sea turtle health. The center is located on one of the world’s most important sea turtle nesting beaches and is one of Palm Beach County’s most top-visited attractions. The expansion is set to be completed in 2022.

The Loggerhead Marinelife Center is located at 14200 US Highway 1 in Juno Beach.


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