Southeast Floridians Remember the Service Dogs

Lorea Thomson
Posted by Lorea Thomson
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Published in Animals & Pets

Yesterday we honored may fallen heroes, wearing a red poppy, lowering the flag to half-staff, and observing a minute of silence at 3:00 pm. It is also important to honor the service animals that have given their lives in supporting our great nation. We ask that Southeast Floridians think of the trained service dogs and remember them as well.

Before it became a federal holiday in 1971 and its observance moved to the last Monday in May, Memorial Day was called Decoration Day and took place on May 30th. This year, the last Monday in May falls on the original Decoration Day date.

The roots for Decoration Day go back to shortly after the Civil War when citizens paid local tributes to those who had died. In 1868, Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, issued an official proclamation for a nationwide Decoration Day observance. After World War I, the observance was expanded to honor all those who had died in service during any American war.

Research agencies in your area that collaborate with veterans or active military service members and their families – the local VA hospital, USO center, or homeless shelter, for example – and commit to volunteering your time on a regular basis.

Many veterans’ agencies and national organizations are always in need of financial support. Charity Navigator offers a list of reputable charities that provide wounded troops services, military social services, and military family support.



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