Mirasol Harvesting Its Own Honey

Dan Hauser
Posted by Dan Hauser
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Published in Animals & Pets

As part of its efforts as a certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary, the Country Club at Mirasol has begun harvesting its own honey.

The club currently houses 20 beehives throughout the 2,300-acre community, producing more than 430 pounds to the sweet nectar over the past 12 months. The honey produced from these beehives will be used in the Club's culinary operations, from marinades and appetizers to desserts and cocktails the club announced.  The "Bee Inspired" initiative will be prominently placed on menus by featuring a "Bee Inspired" logo.

In addition to the honey being used in food and drinks at the club, the honey will also be used throughout the spa and salon in special products. Those products include an exclusive “Yes! Honey” branded lip balm made with beeswax that will be produced on-site, as well as “Yes! Honey” branded spa and salon products.

Florida is ranked No. 3 in the United States for honey production with over 14 million pounds of it being produced in 2018. By the end of 2019, Mirasol hopes to harvest around 650 pounds on honey.


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