Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday Morning

Ali Kane
Posted by Ali Kane
| Internet Marketing Team
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Published in Events & Entertainment

This weekend is not only Halloween, but also the weekend that we turn our clocks back one hour to end Daylight Savings. Daylight Savings time ends this Sunday, November 1st at 2 am when the clocks fall back an hour.

This means sunrise and sunset times will be one hour earlier starting Sunday morning. This also means that there will be an extra hour of sleep starting this Sunday. Most of America expect those in Hawaii, most of Arizona, and the US Territories follow Daylight Savings Time.

Many believe that Benjamin Franklin was the inventor of Daylight Savings time, though he only suggested it and noted that the people wake up an hour earlier to enjoy more daylight and conserve candle wax. But the idea did not catch on until World War I when Germany was the first to adopt the new time, other countries followed. The United States adopted Daylight Savings time during World War II.

In 2018, Floridians approved an all-year Daylight Savings time, but the proposal needs to be approved by Congress. Several other states are also considering petitioning to Congress to end Daylight Savings Time. Many Nations in the European Union voted earlier in the year to end daylight savings time as soon as 2021 but the vote needs more approval by member nations.


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